Tuck Everlasting
Director: Brenton Cochran
Author: Music by Christ Miller, Lyrics by Nathan Tysen, Based on the novel by Natalie Babbitt
Run Dates: Feb. 6-9 & Feb. 14-16
In this touching musical young Winnie Foster leads a sheltered life and longs for what lies beyond her family’s picket fence. When she meets a friend named Tuck and learns of his secret — eternal youthfulness, she must make a difficult choice. Does she partake of the magic drink that would give her eternity or go back to live the life that is meant to play out for her? Based on the best selling book by Natalie Babbitt and adapted for the stage by Claudia Shear and Tim Federle, it also includes a beautifully soaring score. Appropriate for children 10-100. Join us as Winnie makes her choice.
Other Upcoming Shows
Tuck Everlasting
Will Winnie return to her life, or continue with the Tucks on their infinite journey?
Harriet Tubman: An American Moses
A storyteller summons Harriet Tubman from the past. Recommended for grades 4-12
Pack of Lies
When Scotland Yard uses your house to watch your friendly neighbors they think are spies.
Funny Little Thing Called Love
Four rollicking tales of love that include unexpected and hilarious twists and turns.