The Girl Who Forgot to Sing Badly

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    Director: Spark Theatre 4 Youth
  • Author: Finegan Kruckemeyer
  • Run Dates: Dec. 14

Recommended for grades K-5

Sometimes it takes a girl-sized human to solve an adult-sized problem… Peggy O’Hegarty and her parents are packers. They squeeze fruit into tins, foxes into boxes, even bikes into brown paper bags. And then one day, work stops working, and the jobs stop jobbing and Peggy steps outside to find that winter has arrived…and everyone in her city has vanished!

Get ready for a story literally packed full of fun and suspense. As Peggy desperately tries to save the day, we learn about love, loss, the reassurance of goats and that we should all have the courage to sing gloriously on or off-key!

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Show Dates/Times:
  • Sat. 12/14 |1:00 pm | $0.00

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